Wednesday, 14 November 2012

Change in season

It's been a very long time since I've posted.  As you know, summer was busy with everyone playing ball, now that the season has changed into fall, ball is over, and we are all now into our 'winter' activities.
I'm curling again on Thursday nights in the competitive league with the same great 3 guys as previous.
Pam is back to playing in her Bridge league every other Monday.  Daphnie is probably the busiest little lady.  Helping the little skaters on Tuesday nights, gymnastics on Wednesday, (at which she is a natural I think), Gems on Thursday evenings, and Jazz dancing on Friday evenings.
Clay has hockey Monday, Wednesday and Saturday, and Jasper started skating this year on Tuesdays. 

Thank goodness we have parents close by who are willing and able to help us shuttle kids to various activities.
As for Jasper and the Isaac Foundation, it's been a busy couple of months.  While we were camping on our holidays in August, we were kicking off "Project One Million". In an effort to raise awareness, but ultimately convince Johnson and Johnson, the makers of a specific oral drug to help us fund the clinical trial we need for our kids.
I haven't gotten an update recently from the foundation, but I hope that project is going well.
In October we once again made the trek over to Coburg ON for the 3rd annual Gala for a Cure.  Once again we were humbled to be apart of a great event.  The kids once again waited patiently through the evening until they could shake their groove on the dance floor, and they didn't disappoint. 

They boogied well past midnight until the hotel staff were closing up the ballroom on us.
Jasper met a new friend in Ron Sexsmith.

I was impressed at how personable Mr. Sexsmith is.  Not your stereotypical music celebrity.  It was great to meet him and listen to him perform.

Next came Halloween.  As you can see from the photos, we had some good costumes once again this year.  Great job to Pam for putting them all together.

This weekend brings about the second annual "More than a Spiel" curling bonspiel to help "Take out MPS".  Happy to report at this time that both draws are full.  It will be fantastic to see everyone out, and I hope everyone is able to enjoy themselves.  Unlike last year, this year's total earnings will go directly to the Isaac Foundation to help fund the research projects we have on the go right now.